Graph Algebra Network

The Graph Algebra Network is a collaboration among research groups at twenty-six partnering institutions located in the European Union and North America. Each research group comprises a "node" in the network consisting of world-renowned mathematicians studying graph C*-algebras, Leavitt path algebras, and related topics. The Graph Algebra Network was initiated in Summer 2022, and ARCS (via the UCCS Mathematics Department) serves as a node in the network.

The Graph Algebra Network provides funding for researchers in the network to visit other nodes in order to initiate connections, share ideas, and collaborate on joint research projects. In addition to providing support for established researchers, the Graph Algebra Network also funds opportunities for graduate students and postdocs at the partnering institutions to visit other nodes to enhance their scientific training and contribute to their overall professional development.

Funding for the Graph Algebra Network
The Graph Algebra Network is coordinated by the node at the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN) located in Warsaw, Poland. Funding for the Graph Algebra Network (in U.S. dollars) is providing by the following sources:

European Union                $517,800
Warsaw University    $66,300
Simons Foundation    $40,300
Total Funding:  $624,400

Nodes of the Graph Algebra Network
The Graph Algebra Network is comprised of "nodes" consisting of research groups located at twenty-six partnering institutions in the European Union and North America. Each node has a coordinating researcher that works with the Graph Algebra Network, and the IMPAN node coordinates the entire network. Nodes and their coordinators are listed here:

European Union Nodes:
  1. Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN), Poland, Piotr M. Hajac (the coordinating node)
  2. University of Warsaw, Poland, Tomasz Maszczyk
  3. Jagiellonian University, Poland, Andrzej Sitarz
  4. University of Wroclaw, Poland, Mariusz Tobolski
  5. University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Soren Eilers
  6. University of Southern Denmark, Denmark, David Kyed
  7. Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA), Italy, Ludwik Dabrowski
  8. University of Naples, Italy, Francesco D'Andrea
  9. University of Leiden, Netherlands, Francesca Arici
10. University of Gottingen, Germany, Ralf Meyer
11. University of Haifa, Israel, Adam Dor-On

North American Nodes:
  1. Fields Institute, Canada, George Elliott
  2. University of New Brunswick at Fredericton, Canada, Branimir Cacic
  3. Western University, Canada, Masoud Khalkhali
  4. University of California at Berkeley, USA, Marc A. Rieffel
  5. Penn State University, USA, Paul F. Baum
  6. SUNY Buffalo, USA, Adam Sikora
  7. University of Colorado Boulder, USA, Carla Farsi
  8. University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, Mark Tomforde
  9. University of Denver, USA, Frederic Latremoliere
10. Kansas State University, USA, Sarah Reznikoff
11. University of Kansas Lawrence, USA, Albert Sheu
12. Arizona State University, USA, Jack Spielberg
13. University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA, Efren Ruiz
14. Pomona College, USA, Konrad Aguilar
15. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico, Elmar Wagner

Work Packages
The Graph Algebra Network has identified seven "work packages" (i.e., targeted topics) for investigation and collaboration. Each work package is coordinated by a researcher at one of the nodes in the network. The work packages and their coordinating researchers are listed here:

  1. New Morphisms of Graphs (Piotr M. Hajac, IMPAN)
  2. Classification and Structure (Soren Eilers, Copenhagen)
  3. Graphs and Groupoids (Tomasz Maszczyk, Warsaw)
  4. Noncommutative Metric Geometry (David Kyed, Odense)
  5. New Equivariant Dimensions (Ludwik Dabrowski, SISSA)
  6. Principal Equivariant Spectral Triples (Bram Mesland, Leiden)
  7. Quantum Symmetries (Andrzej Sitarz, Cracow)